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Job Search Goal Setting Worksheet

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Understanding Your Motivations:

Discover expert tips and strategies to achieve your job search goals faster. Get the job you want with our comprehensive guides and resources.

1. What are my current job frustrations (if any)?

2. What are my main reasons for wanting a new job? (select all that apply):

     Higher salary and benefits

     Career advancement opportunities

     Work that aligns with my values

     Better work-life balance

     Other (please specify)

Defining My Ideal Position:

1. What is my ideal job title?

2. List 3-5 key responsibilities I would enjoy in my ideal job:

3. What kind of work environment do I thrive in? (e.g., collaborative, fast-paced, independent):

4. What companies or industries are I interested in working for?

Setting SMART Goals:

 Specific: Clearly define your goals and avoid ambiguity.

 Measurable: Establish clear metrics to track your progress.

 Achievable: Set realistic goals that challenge you but are attainable.

 Relevant: Ensure your goals align with your motivations and timeline.

 Time-bound: Set deadlines for achieving your goals.

Job Search Goal

Goal 1: (e.g., Update and tailor my resume and cover letter by [date])

 Specific: Update and tailor resume and cover letter for [target job title(s)].

 Measurable: Refine resume and cover letter to highlight [number] relevant skills and experiences.

 Achievable: I have the necessary skills and knowledge to complete this task.

 Relevant: This goal helps me showcase my qualifications effectively.

 Time-bound: Complete resume and cover letter revisions by [date].


Goal 2: (e.g., Develop and strengthen my online presence)

 Specific: Create a professional LinkedIn profile and actively engage with relevant groups and discussions.

 Measurable: Set a target of connecting with [number] relevant professionals within [timeframe].

 Achievable: I can dedicate [time] each week to build my online presence.

 Relevant: This goal helps me expand my network and increase visibility to potential employers.

 Time-bound: Achieve target connections and online engagement within [timeframe].

Additional Goals:

 (Feel free to add more goals specific to your job search journey, following the SMART framework)

Remember: This worksheet is a starting point. Adapt it to fit your needs and update it as your job search progresses.

Bonus: Reflect on your brand and how you want to present yourself to potential employers. What strengths and values can you highlight throughout your job search journey?

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